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Wedding Unity Candle

Wedding Unity Candle

Craft this unique unity candle for your fairytale wedding


#15-0200 Armour Glass Etching Cream

#21-1676 Over N Over stencil-Fairytales

#21-1616 Over N Over stencil Wedding party

#28-6523 Oval Mirror 4x5.5 inches

#08-9606 Brushes

#08-9999 Gloves

#08-9415 Masking Tape

#08-9777 Scissors

#15-0315 Glass cleaner

White pillar candle 10-12 inches tall

12 x 5 inch Decorative or Embossed white card stock

Medium blue cardstock-pc slightly larger than mirror

24 inches ruffled trim

White satin bow

White rosebud

Self-adhesive flat backed pearls

Self-adhesive rhinestones strips (variety pk)

Glue gun



1. Clean the mirror with glass cleaner

2. Place the mirror on your work surface in a vertical position. Apply the carriage stencil slightly above center. (see picture for reference ) . Apply the Our Wedding Day stencil directly below it, overlapping the edges where they meet.

3. Cover all exposed areas of glass surrounding the stencils with overlapping layers of masking tape.

4. Apply the Etch Cream using the brush to all the stencils. PAT the cream on, do not brush it like you are painting or it will streak and you will not get a nice frosting.

View the directions and How To Videos here.

5. Wait 5 minutes. Rinse the etch cream off under running water. Remove the stencils and tape and rinse again. Pat stencils dry on paper towels and return to the carrier sheet. Dry the glass with dry paper towels.

Candle assembly

1. Trace around mirror on the backside of the blue cardstock. Cut out the cardstock 1/4 inch larger than the lines.

2. Glue the mirror to the blue cardstock. Adhere the strip of pearls onto the cardstock following around the edge of the mirror.

3. Turn the mirror over to the backside (cardstock side up) and hot glue the ruffled trim around the outside edge

4. Center the mirror in the middle of the white embossed cardstock strip. Glue the mirror to the cardstock. Wrap around the candle and hot glue at the back.

5. Adhere a a row of rhinestones at the top and the bottom edges of the embossed cardstock. On the mirror, adhere rhinestones as show on the carriage, among the stars and a strip of small stones under Our Wedding Day

6. Glue on the bow and rosebud at the bottom of the mirror

Article Posted: 09/29/2019 11:09:52 PM

Wedding Unity Candle
Wedding Unity Candle
Wedding Unity Candle
Wedding Unity Candle
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