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Bottle Cutter Tips

Bottle Cutter Tips

Here we will explore frequently asked questions regarding bottle and jar cutting, and techniques to help with the performance of the cutting process. Before beginning the process, understand that recycled glass can be imperfect: there may be air bubbles, unseen debris, and uneven hardness in the glass that will affect how the bottle breaks. Another thing to note is the wall of some bottles can be thick and uneven, especially wine bottles—try to choose glass that looks evenly molded.

The bottle and jar cutter only scores through the glass. To get the bottle to separate, you must tap the bottle on the score line until it cracks and breaks. Using a steady hand, patience, and correct techniques, your success rate will increase. Recycling bottles and jars into something useful is rewarding and profitable—if you do not get it at first, try again because practice makes perfect.


Too much oil. Do not over oil the cutting wheel, one drop is all that is needed. Oil only helps to keep the spindle from wearing out when the wheel turns. If there is oil on the edge of the wheel, then it can skip over the glass and not make a score line. Once you have applied the oil, take an absorbent paper towel, and rub over the wheel as you spin until the paper towel is dry an clear. Make sure that oil does not get into the bottle.

Wheel will not turn. Make sure the cutter head assembly is not screwed on too tightly. If it is, the wheel cannot turn freely.

Wheel will not score. Make sure you have the bottle squarely up to the wheel.

Broken Score Line. If the bottle doesn’t score evenly, turn the bottle right, left, and right again to get the wheel to dig into the glass better. Once a solid line begins, keep the pressure on the bottle even and continue scoring.

Getting the bottle to crack. When taping the score line inside the bottle, keep going around even if it is not cracking on the line at first. After you go around a few times, give the bottle a few taps on the outside of the score line. Then, return cracking from the inside until it breaks. Thicker bottles can take more persistence.

Bottle breaks unevenly. Sometimes thicker bottles don’t crack evenly. Concentrate the vibration from the tapper and to keep the bottle cracking on track of the score line. Place two rows of masking tape close to the score line, one above it and one below.

Article Posted: 05/11/2018 12:19:51 PM

Bottle Cutter Tips
Bottle Cutter Tips
Bottle Cutter Tips

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